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Are Halal Slaughter Machines More Humane than Conventional Slaughter Methods | Eruis

April 06, 2023

Halal slaughter methods have gained popularity, with some claiming that they are more humane than conventional methods. In this article, we will explore the topic and consider both sides of the debate.

What is Halal Slaughter?

Halal slaughter refers to the way animals are slaughtered according to Islamic law. The animal must be alive and healthy at the time of slaughter, and the process must be carried out by a trained Muslim person who recites a specific prayer before making the cut. The animal's throat is then cut quickly with a sharp knife, severing the jugular vein, carotid artery, and windpipe, which causes the animal to lose consciousness and die within seconds.


Comparing to Conventional Slaughter Methods

Conventional slaughter methods involve stunning the animal with an electric shock or bolt gun before killing it. The purpose of stunning is to render the animal unconscious so that it does not feel any pain during the actual slaughter. However, there are concerns that the stunning process can sometimes be inadequate, meaning that the animal may still be conscious when it is killed. This has led some to argue that halal slaughter is more humane because it results in quicker and cleaner kills.


The Complex Debate on Halal Slaughter vs. Conventional Methods: Are Both Equally Humane?

The debate surrounding halal slaughter versus conventional methods is complex and multifaceted. While halal slaughter is seen as more humane by some, others argue that it is no more or less humane than conventional methods. For example, an article in the Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology suggests that there is no significant difference in the welfare of animals slaughtered using halal or conventional methods. The study concludes that "both methods could be considered as equally suitable for the welfare of animals during slaughter."


On the other hand, some animal welfare organizations argue that halal slaughter is cruel and inhumane because the animal is not stunned before being killed. According to an article in The Guardian, animal welfare campaigners argue that "stunning is necessary to ensure that animals do not experience pain and distress during slaughter.


The debate surrounding halal slaughter versus conventional methods is complex and multifaceted. While some argue that halal slaughter is more humane because it results in quicker and cleaner kills, others argue that stunning is necessary to ensure that animals do not experience pain and distress during slaughter. Ultimately, the decision of whether to consume halal meat products is a personal one and will depend on your own beliefs and values regarding animal welfare.


Choose Eruis Halal Poultry Slaughter Machines
However, for those interested in purchasing halal poultry slaughter machines, look no further than Eruis Poultry Slaughter. We offer a variety of models to suit your production needs while prioritizing the ethical and humane treatment of animals during the slaughter process. Contact us today to learn more about purchasing an Eruis Halal Poultry Slaughter Machine for your business.



"Halal Slaughter: A Review of the Scientific Literature," Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology. https://jasbsci.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s40104-019-0344-4


"Halal and kosher slaughter methods under attack in UK and Europe," The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2019/nov/01/halal-and-kosher-slaughter-methods-under-attack-in-uk-and-europe

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